Demonstrate Your Good Now


How do I demonstrate my good now? You say in The Miracle Self that "the kingdom is finished" and that "It is Done" (chapter 9 and 20), yet I cannot stop thinking that my demonstration "will come soon". How do I realize that my harmony is here and now, and therefore tangibly evidence it here and now?


Demonstration "happens" WITHIN. It is the INNER HAPPENING of Spirit which then appears in the OUTER as tangible life, healing, money, success, home, relationship, safety, and happiness. Here is the key...

The peace you FEEL HAPPENING WITHIN - when you close your eyes, gently focus your attention within, and be still and silent - is what appears in the outer scene AS tangible money, health, harmony, friend, opportunity, success, home.

But be careful! Here is where people delay their demonstration for days, weeks, months or sometimes years (as I did!) - what kind of money, health, healing, harmony, friend, opportunity, success or home are you thinking of when you think of your "demonstration"?

If it is the MATERIAL you are mistaken. There IS NO MATERIAL; there is JUST SPIRITUAL. Therefore all the supply, life, harmony and fulfillment of life is INVISIBLE SPIRITUAL FORM.

That is what we must desire and expect, and it is entirely an INNER demonstration and experience. Yes, it quickly APPEARS in the outer scene AS the tangible form of good you need for your immediate fulfillment, but never, never make the mistake of trying to "demonstrate" anything at all in the OUTER scene. You will fail.

Leave the outside alone. There is no outside, so to desire it or expect something outside to appear is the great mistake.

You are the INVISIBLE. Your body, family, home, business or employment is all the INVISIBLE. Money is the INVISIBLE supply - Spirit - appearing through and to the mind as tangible paper and metal money. All your knowing, and all your meditating, and all your expecting therefore MUST BE IN THE INVISIBLE REALM, NOT THE VISIBLE.

The outer appearance can only frustrate and limit you IF YOU ARE HOPING OR EXPECTING SOMETHING TO HAPPEN THERE. Nothing is ever going to happen there!!! Everything IS ALREADY and everything "happens" IN THE INNER INVISIBLE REALM OF SILENCE.

Your whole wealth exists there where you are, right now. All you have to do is STOP REACTING OR CARING ABOUT WHAT IS “HAPPENING” IN THE OUTER and realize that your INNER INVISIBLE SILENCE IS THE ONLY PLACE, THE ONLY WEALTH, THE ONLY HEALTH, THE ONLY CUSTOMERS ETC AND THEY ARE ALL THERE RIGHT NOW FOR YOU TO HAVE MATERIALLY (spiritually materially, because the only material, the only true form, is spirit).

“Do not judge by appearances” says the Master. “My kingdom is not of this (outer) world”… again the words of the master demonstrator. “… instead seek the kingdom of God within”… the PEACE HAPPENING WITHIN.

Be 100% satisfied with the Peace happening within. Do not care for or expect ANYTHING in the outer BUT REALIZE THAT ALL OUTER APPEARANCE IS JUST THE PEACE, SPIRIT, felt happening within, in your inner stillness and attentiveness, then appearing AS all outer forms of good, without limit. Be satisfied with that INNER experience of Spirit happening. Then your outer world will begin to be magical and often miraculous, and will continue to be so more and more.


In other words, LET SPIRIT REVEAL ITSELF IN ITS OWN WAY TO YOUR OUTER SENSES. You leave the outer 100% alone in terms of expecting anything from it, or trying to manipulate it. Just concentrate on serving and giving the best you can. Spend all your effort INSIDE, IN THE INNER INVISIBLE PEACE and leave the rest to spirit 100%.

“My Peace I give to you.”