Demonstrating Spiritual Prosperity

12 Part Course In Spiritual Prosperity

Paul's 12 part (12 x 60-75 minutes) Course In Spiritual Prosperity is a clear, step-by-step teaching - a deep and sublime awakening to the infinite supply you HAVE as the Miracle of YourSelf Itself, and only need to discover within for it to become abundantly, tangibly evident in your life and activities.

Here's what Paul says about this course:

"The best teaching I have done specifically about demonstrating supply and success (it is a 12 part telephone series with a small group of students, recorded live). It is a deep teaching that enables you to witness - through Awareness, and Silence of Self, all the prosperity and success, limitlessly, that you want and need today, and forever."

OUR COMMENT: What came through as the twelve sessions progressed was astonishing, an "advanced" demonstrating prosperity teaching.

Even in Session #1, you are taken into a depth of awareness and silence that produces immediate fruitage in your life (as long as you actually DO what Paul shows you).

NOTE: It could be called "Demonstrating The Miracle Self Course" because it contains the secret and method of ALL demonstration - the tangible awakening to life, health, supply, success, love, happiness and overflowing fulfillment and purpose of being.

Highly recommended.

Get the COMPLETE SET of 12 mp3 Classes here $72 (SAVE $48)