Basking Ridge November 2012
Miracle Self Retreat
Fri, Sat, Sat, Sun: 16-17-18th November 2012 at
Olde Mill Inn, Basking Ridge, New Jersey, USA
"Satisfied With God (Spirit) Alone" Retreat Preparation Teleclass
* Click here to book your place at this retreat *
Book place at SWGA Basking Ridge retreat
"Satisfied With God (Spirit) Alone" - A Short Lesson & Description
The key to all spiritual awakening - which is the awakening to your and my True Identity as spiritual being (rather than the false sense of identity lived as "human, mental, physical, material" being) - is to "seek God alone".
From the moment it is truly understood that Only God Is, and that LITERALLY - despite appearance - nothing "else" is ("I am the Lord and beside Me there is none else") we begin to seek the kingdom (consciousness) of God alone, and by the degree and consistency we do that we witness the miracles of truthful life.
But here's where most unwittingly fall short: seeking God (Spirit, Truth) in thought, contemplation, meditation and silence is good and true BUT NOT ENOUGH.
God must be sought in, and as, ALL OF EXPERIENCE. There cannot be "God, Spirit, Truth within" and physical body and material world "without".
Because God literally is ALL (the Whole of God, the Infinite Allness of All, is present at each point of Itself at the same time) fulfillment must also be GOD ALONE.
If we seek God experience "within" yet hope that that will lead to material or "human" fulfillment in the outer we fail.
And yet the paradox of Truth is that AS WE SEEK GOD ALONE, and AS WE SEEK FOR NO "OTHER" TYPE OF FULFILLMENT THAN THE EXPERIENCE OF GOD ITSELF for no "other" reason that the blissful and divine experience of God happening as individual Being as You THEN the miracle of "automatic" material fulfillment is witnessed effortlessly, boundlessly and unconditionally.
When consciousness is spiritualized regarding body, the experience of body becomes whole, healed, energetic, pure and purposeful because we are SATISFIED WITH GOD ALONE.
When consciousness is spiritualized regarding supply, the experience of the miracle of abundance in, and of, every form including dollars becomes every day reality because we are SATISFIED WITH GOD ALONE..
When consciousness is spiritualized regarding love and relationship, the experience of partner or spouse relationship plus family, friend, neighbor and community relationship becomes true, joyous, effortless, free, considerate, kind, and that of giving, serving and sharing because we are SATISFIED WITH GOD ALONE..
MOST IMPORTANT: by the degree that individual consciousness is spiritualized, world or collective consciousness is broken to reveal or "release" spiritual, truthful awareness. It is ONLY as spiritual awareness flows as individual and then greater world consciousness that we witness peace, harmony, understanding, consideration and sharing between communities and governments becoming more prevalent, and eventually The Way of being.
Again this is achieved by seeking and being SATISFIED WITH GOD ALONE.
We are to have a deep and sacred three days of first understanding God Alone - God fully Embodied in and as individual (your and my) Being, then much time devoted to lifting and maintaining spiritual consciousness, and actual seeking and witnessing the God Experience "happening" as the Being you are in Truth.
Individual and group consciousness will be lifted beautifully high into the purity and satisfaction of God Alone.
A personal note: Basking Ridge has for me, since the first November retreat in 2010, been a very sacred, treasured gathering of serious and committed souls. The Basking Ridge retreat students are high in consciousness having (mostly) been long-term students of the Miracle Self, Joel S. Goldsmith or Mary Baker Eddy.
I am so looking forward to being with all at Basking Ridge again this November. The message - therefore the fruits for all - coming through for these three days is the highest it has ever been.
Venue & Dates
VENUE: The Olde Mill Inn, Basking Ridge, New Jersey (45 minutes from New York City), USA.
Tel: 800-585-4461 (toll free in US) or 908-221-1100.
Olde Mill Inn
DATES: Fri-Sun, 16th-17th-18th November 2012
NOTE: If you would like to stay at the hotel for the retreat, mention "Paul Gorman/Miracle Self Retreat" to get the special retreat rate of $105 single/double occupancy including breakfast.
Valid up to October 16th after which the rates return to the hotel's normal, higher price.
Class Times
1st class: 10 am - 11 am.
2nd class: 12 noon - 1pm
3rd class: 3pm - 4pm
4th class: 4.30pm - 5.30 pm
NOTE: class lengths are approximate.
Private Meetings
You can book a private meeting with Paul or Victoria. If you would like a private meeting please add your name to the "Private Meeting" list at the retreat desk when you arrive.
Includes Free Audio Set of The Retreat
This retreat is being recorded live. Each attendee receives a free audio set (mp3s downloads) of each session of the retreat.
When you register you will receive the Retreat Audio Download page. Keep this saved (bookmarked).
Each class audio will be available (unedited) for you to download within 24 hours of the live class.
Retreat Fee
The class fee for this 3 day retreat is $300 per person (NOTE: price does not include travel, accommodation or food).
PLEASE NOTE there are a maximum of 60 seats available.
NOTE: make a note of the "Reference number" on your PayPal receipt. You use this as your PASSWORD for the retreat pages.
Book your place(s) here
Note: Bookings are organized by Giving Self, Inc. This is the company name you will see on your PayPal receipt.
General Notes
* It is better to book flights into Newark Airport, Newark NJ. This airport is only 25 miles to the hotel.
Alternative airports are JFK, La Guardia etc, but it is a much longer drive to the hotel. It could take 2 hours depending on traffic.
* Taxi and Shuttles from Newark Airport.
Basking Ridge Express 908-647-1700 ~
State Shuttle 1-800-427-3207 ~
This is NOT a private taxi. They pick up individuals from other flights too and then drop off each passenger at their destination.
Cancellation Policy
30 days or more before the first day of the retreat: $50 cancellation fee for event refund.
Less than 30 days before the first day of the retreat: no event fee refund available.
PLEASE NOTE: Hotel and food cancellations and refunds are specific to each hotel or event site. You must check direct with the event site, and arrange any due refunds with them.
Thank you
Our gratitude to Gabriella Barr for organizing the Olde Mill Inn for this retreat, and the lovely and always gracious staff at The Olde Mill Inn who make our group feel so welcome. You all make it easy for us to simply arrive to hear and share the message without having to think of any "material" detail.
Thank you!