Daily Snippet


Today's Snippet

February 27, 2018

    There is no temporal existence. All that is is God, and because God is eternality all is eternal.

Individual being, mind, body, organ, function and condition are eternal despite what is believed and therefore, experienced about them.

    Everything everywhere is eternal because everything everywhere is God.

God is the one life eternal—flawless, unchanging, purposeful and fulfilled life eternal.

“All things were [are] made by him; and without him was [is] not any thing made that was [is] made.”

Nothing that exists—from a single cell of the body to the entire universe—is different, separate or less than God.

All is God, all is spirit and truth, all is eternal.

I detach and withdraw fixation from the outer appearance of things. As I lift into the stillness and purity of spiritual awareness my eyes are quickly open to the eternity of all.

From Healing of the Body page 55

Dear Friends, you can now read both


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Healing of the Body
Paul F. Gorman

September 27, 2017
284 pages, Paperback

Available from Amazon