Daily Snippet


Today's Snippet

 April 28, 2019

If sense testimony is believed to be reality, an entity in itself, truth remains ethereal and impractical to us. At this divided level of awareness we believe we have to learn “manifestation” and “demonstration” skills which will cause that which is “ethereal and impractical” to “become” real and practical. The bookstores are full of such teachings.

But the truth is that God already is within and without. God is omnipresence. Our sense of an inner vs. an outer makes no difference to God. The infinity of God, good, is equally present at every point of infinity at the same time.

And so we hear that “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof. . . .The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, says the Lord.” The earth and everything everywhere in it and of it, despite appearance, is the fullness of God—divine fulfillment of being.

From Chapter 12, The Visibility of God
Healing of the Body page 154

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Healing of the Body
Paul F. Gorman

September 27, 2017
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