Daily Snippet


Today's Snippet

 May 9, 2019

This is the sticking point for many students. God is, to material sense, the unnameable, unthinkable, undetectable, shapeless, formless incorporeal one.

The mental mind cannot grasp this, and if we are inattentive we continue to seek God for a reason. Such seeking acts as a cloud which blinds us to the ever-present truth.

We must seek God for the fulfilment of God itself, for new revelation, for fresh manna.

When you know and live by this great truth God quickly becomes ever more visible, tangible and real as the good and limitlessness of your experience. False sense dissolves and true sense emerges.

From Chapter 12, The Visibility of God
Healing of the Body page 156

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Healing of the Body
Paul F. Gorman

September 27, 2017
284 pages, Paperback

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