Daily Snippet


Today's Snippet

 May 12, 2019

Collective consciousness is material suggestion or belief (“Satan” in scripture). It clothes itself with an exhaustless wardrobe of dualistic names and definitions—all finiteness, every concept has a name and definition.

Yet all, including all form is God, infinity, consciousness. All is the one totality of existence. Consciousness, in its divine, unconditioned state, is the finished kingdom expressing individually as you.

Every detail, every step of your existence is already whole, complete, and divinely fulfilled. The one need is to “go to where God is” rather than expecting God to “come to where you are” (which is impossible).

From Chapter 12, The Visibility of God from the new
Healing of the Body page 158

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Healing of the Body
Paul F. Gorman

September 27, 2017
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