Today's Snippet
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
I can only be and operate and offer myself as an unillumined, personal self if I am not devoted to truth, and if — this day, this hour — I have not waited patiently in silence until the kingdom of God has come and filled me with truth; until I have feasted there within, with Christ, with Buddha, with truth; until I have devoted myself to the presence, the activity, the truth of Christ, of Buddha, of illumined self, which is silent receptivity, listening for, feeling the voice — the actual substance and form of God-visibility.
When I have, and when I remain centered within, continuously seeking and feeling the presence of God happening, then as I go out into my world, I am the living substance, presence and form of truth.
Then I shouldn’t be surprised at the wonders and harmonies witnessed. "Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."
From Satisfied With God Alone, page 292
From Satisfied With God Alone, page 291
Nameless Speaks Publications
First Edition
January 14, 2017
Paperback, 32 pages
6 x 4 inches
$5.40 at Amazon
Or read it (and others) free at