Today's Snippet
Thursday, June 2, 2017
Whether we are with our love, a friend, a student or a customer, a flower, an insect, the garden, the valley or the mountain, a dew drop or the ocean, the sunrise or sunset, or whether we are simply peeling potatoes for today’s meal, our whole attention is with and as God being the fullness of itself as that one experience.
If the whole of God -- the whole finished kingdom of heaven and earth and all the host of them -- is embodied in and as each one experience, why would we seek or involve ourselves in "another" at the same time? If we do, we have become "two," and in so doing shut oneness from our experience.
From Satisfied With God Alone, page 294
From Satisfied With God Alone, page 291
Nameless Speaks Publications
First Edition
January 14, 2017
Paperback, 32 pages
6 x 4 inches
$5.40 at Amazon
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