Daily Snippet


Today's Snippet

Sunday, June 4, 2017

If Jesus, Gautama or any Master walked into your home this moment, would you give him or her your entire attention? Or would you continue to answer your phone, respond to emails and texts, or allow a family member, friend or colleague to interrupt you, to allow home or commercial business to steal your attention? Of course not! You would give your whole time and attention to the Master!

Then why not give your whole time and attention to every singular moment?, for every singular moment and its form is the presence of the Master.

"I am the Lord, and besides me there is none else."

Do you not realize that your husband, your wife, your friend, your neighbor, your colleague, your customer is the very presence of God; that every thing, place, condition is the very presence of God; that every single sight, sound, taste, touch and fragrance is the very presence of God; that every moment is the only moment God is and has as you and for you?

Recognize and treat all as the Master. In this way only, do we keep ourselves open to and tangibly experience the glory of God as each person, thing and condition; as each precious moment.

From Satisfied With God Alone, page 294

From Satisfied With God Alone, page 291


Nameless Speaks Publications
First Edition

January 14, 2017
Paperback, 32 pages
6 x 4 inches
$5.40 at Amazon

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