Daily Snippet


Today's Snippet

 June 25, 2019

Contained in the following illuminatingly-clear instruction by the Master is the authority confirming the need to rise in awareness, to “go to where God is” rather than expecting God to “come to where we are.”

I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I with him, will bear abundant fruit; for without me you can do nothing. Unless a man remains with me, he will be cast outside like a branch which is withered, which they pick up and throw into the fire to be burned. If you remain with me, and my words remain with you, whatever you ask shall be done for you. In this the Father will be glorified, that you bear abundant fruit and be my disciples

From Chapter 13, Mind Is Form, from the new
Healing of the Body, Page 170
(to be published soon)

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Healing of the Body
Paul F. Gorman

September 27, 2017
284 pages, Paperback

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