Daily Snippet


Today's Snippet

 June 29, 2019

God is love. Can you imagine love being absent, especially in times of need? Even human love is present to help loved ones during both good and challenging times. Greater human love flows beyond the circle of immediate loved ones to support others too, often globally.

If God—which is love itself, the one omnipresent law and principle of love itself—were even remotely aware of so-called humanity and its material world, we and our experience would be heaven.

The fact is, God is not in the slightest aware of humanity or a material world.

From Chapter 14, Abide In Me, from the new
Healing of the Body, Page 171
(to be published soon)

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The Original Edition
Healing of the Body
Paul F. Gorman

September 27, 2017
284 pages, Paperback

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