Today's Snippet
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Truth is experienced in the same way as opening the drapes and finding our homes filled with sunshine. This experience could be described as the sun seeking our homes and filling them. But the sun is doing no such thing. The sun simply is and does nothing different as we open the drapes. It is our act of opening that which blocked the sun that provides us with the experience of light and heat in our homes.
Such is the experience of God. It is ‘our’ dropping the personal sense of self, the making of our sense of self a nothing, a vacuum, a transparency, that enables God, truth, to be seen tangibly as the reality of our experience.
Experience is filled with the formation of truth just as our homes are filled with the light and heat of the sun.
From Satisfied With God Alone page 302
Nameless Speaks Publications
First Edition
January 14, 2017
Paperback, 32 pages
6 x 4 inches
$5.40 at Amazon
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