Daily Snippet


Today's Snippet

Friday, September 1, 2017

I am devoted to just one existence and purpose: God and God's -- just as the wave is devoted to one existence and purpose, to be the emptiness of self so that the ocean lives itself as the wave. Only then is the wave fulfilled; and only in God, as God, for God is individual being fulfilled.

As I live in God and experience God living in me, and as I meet all of life and all people there, in the "secret place of the most high," in God as God, I can give and be no greater and deeper love to my wife, no truer light to my friend, my neighbor, my student, my brothers and sisters of the world, and to the world itself.

I can give no greater gift to you, and I can be no greater gift for you.

There is no greater gift I can give to or be for my children and the children of the world, to my business, my customers, clients, patients or students; my community and my world.

I am come is the clear spiritual vision of joy and bliss, light and love, abundance and harmony made tangibly evident in God consciousness.


From Satisfied With God Alone page 310


Bringing Forth the
Presence of God

by Paul F. Gorman

August 29, 2017, 1st Edition
116 pages Paperback

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