Daily Snippet


Today's Snippet

November 28, 2017

I am the body of consciousness; therefore, everything my consciousness constitutes is the one embodiment of me—every person, animal, plant, insect, object, place, amount and activity; every body of space, the air filling that space, the sun and moon, the stars, the hills and mountains, the rivers and oceans, the valleys and glades.

    Everything I see, hear, taste, touch and smell, and everything I think, is allness consciousness “happening” as “me.”

    I am awakening to the truth of being: that consciousness is the one, that consciousness is God, and that because God is all, the entirety of my consciousness is the one body of me.

    I am awakening to the truth that I am individual and unique God-being. I am being and having an individual experience of consciousness, which means I am being and having an individual experience of the one body.

    I am awakening to the truth of the one body, that being consciousness, which includes everything everywhere I experience in and as my consciousness—everything, infinitely, eternally.

From Healing of the Body page 28


Healing of the Body
by Paul F. Gorman

New Cover Design
September 27, 2017
284 pages Paperback

Available from Amazon