Daily Snippet


Today's Snippet

December 14, 2017

I am the infinity and omnipresence of being.

My body is the infinity and omnipresence of body.

There is nothing local about my being or body. Indeed, there is nothing local about anything of my entire experience—mind, body, world and universe and everything these constitute.

    God is one, therefore being and body are one. As oneness is experienced through mind, I experience a multiplicity of form because God is mind which is the infinite variety of mind-form
I experience.

Form, therefore body, is one.

All form, therefore all body, is and has all that oneness (God)
is and has.

I am and have the one body of existence—the one being, substance and form of God experienced individually and uniquely as “me”—but always one, always of God, consciousness, infinity and omnipresence, non-local.

From Healing of the Body page 33


Healing of the Body
by Paul F. Gorman

New Cover Design
September 27, 2017
284 pages Paperback

Available from Amazon