Today's Snippet
December 24, 2017
God is mind is form.
Each of the infinite degrees of mind—one of the “many mansions in my Father’s house”—is its own infinite formation.
All form, despite its degree, is and has all that God is and has. The particular form or degree of form doesn’t matter. What matters is knowing that all form and all degrees are actually, despite appearance, God “and the fullness thereof.”
And because God is consciousness which is infinite and omnipresent, all form, including the body, is consciousness, therefore is infinite and omnipresent.
The body is God and the fullness thereof; therefore the body
is infinite and omnipresent, not finite and locally present (although, to sense, it appears to be).
From Healing of the Body page 35
Healing of the Body
by Paul F. Gorman
New Cover Design
September 27, 2017
284 pages Paperback
Available from Amazon