3 Days of Teachings With Paul in Hawaii

Honolulu 14, 15, 16th (Fri-Sun) October 2011


Such revelation has come through about the mesmeric sense of limitation (material, physical, mental 'this world' experience) and how, actually, simple it is to SEE THROUGH - to experience individual and group harmony - that we are having 3 days of special teachings in Honolulu to share it.

We'll be concentrating on:

* How the dream state is broken more easily to reveal the tangible Truth... the 'God Is' forever present and visible.

* What every promise of truth REALLY refers to (an astonishing clarity has come through regarding the misunderstood nature of every truth statement, and what each prophet really meant. This clarity suddenly brings truth statements ALIVE and ALIGHT, visible and tangible).

* Illumined consciousness (the Heavenly Light) makes all truth visible.

(For a clarity on the 'Heavenly Light' you are welcome to listen here):

IOB#7 audio: "Consciousness of Oneness Makes All Things Visible"


Depending on the number of students wishing to attend these 3 days we will either meet at Elizabeth George's home (directions given to all attendees - see below) or at the Ala Moana Hotel.

The Ala Moana is the suggested hotel to stay at if you're visiting Honolulu for the classes: Ala Moana Hotel, Honolulu (Special & Packages)

Class Times

Each day will start at 10am. Fri and Sat finish around 6pm; Sunday finish 5pm).

Fee is by donation

I invite you to simply donate as much or as little as you would like to:

Donate here to attend Honolulu classes (3 days)

Keep your browser window OPEN after donating

Please KEEP YOUR BROWSER WINDOW OPEN after making your donation so that the 'Thank You' page opens (which includes instructions on how you receive the audios of the classes).

Please BE PATIENT. The 'Thank You' page can take one or two minutes to open. You may also get an 'error' page BUT IGNORE IT - the correct page WILL open!

If you have a question about attending

Feel free to email paul@miracleself.com if you have a question about attending these special classes.

I look forward to seeing you in Honolulu 14-16th October!

