2011 Novato Practice Of Illumined Silence Retreat Audios Page


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2011 Novato Practice of Illumined Silence Retreat - Complete Set - $120.


POIS1-1: "Living The Middle Path"

POIS1-2: "A Constant State Of Oneness"

POIS1-3: "Where The Mind Is Not, There Is Truth Evidenced"

POIS1-4: "Overcoming The Mesmerism of The Conceptual World"


POIS2-1: "Breaking Free Of The Material Belief"

POIS2-2: "Looking Into Oneness"

POIS2-3: "Omniscience Fully Embodied"

POIS2-4: "Revelation Of One Power"


POIS3-1: "There Is No Unembodied Consciousness"

POIS3-2: "Utterly Complete Fulfillment Of Consciousness"

POIS3-3: "Dissolving Belief in Avenue and Process"

POIS3-4: "I Am Infinity Fully Embodied; I Have Infinity Fully Embodied"