ALL INVITED whether or not you are attending the Retreat.
Paul is giving a free teleclass Friday 9th at 7pm GMT explaining the subtle shift in awareness from the unwitting duality that keeps All Good from being visible and tangible in everyday experience, to TRUE ONENESS that evidences All Harmony in life, love, abundance and happiness.
If your experience is still discordant or lacking in any way at all, a divided consciousness is the reason.
Paul has promised this will be a "Mini Retreat" in preparation for Santa Cruz in May, so don't miss it!
Please register here - you will then receive the special dial-in number and pin for the class.
You will also receive the complete mp3 of the class by email within 24 hours of the call.
See you there!
Click here to register on the free "True Oneness" teleclass
A free 3-hour introductory evening with Paul has been added on Wednesday 5th May at the Santa Cruz Hilton. It is a chance to meet Paul before the Retreat and, most importantly, understand what is meant by "True Oneness", and how this UNDIVIDED consciousness infallibly evidences life, love, wealth, harmony, success and happiness in individual experience.
True Oneness is an important "breakthrough" in consciousness for all those who have been on the spiritual path for some time YET STILL EXPERIENCE STUBBORN "OUTER" PROBLEMS THAT WILL NOT BUDGE.
The reason appearing "problems" stay firmly put (often getting worse in appearance) is an unwitting division in consciousness that even long-standing spiritual practice has not "rooted out" (dissolved).
This is the reason you will find this special 3 day True Oneness Retreat to be more of a "spiritual boot camp" rather than further classes thought of as beautiful, even profound, but FROM WHICH you find yourself back in an experience of lack of health, wealth, relationship, success and harmony.
So please do not think of the Santa Cruz sessions as "classes", they are far from it - see "Retreat Schedule and Session Details" below.
Also there will be plenty of silent meditation, but, as you will discover, silence is NOT TRUE silence - and evidences little or no spiritual "fruitage" - if there is an unwitting duality or sense of separateness, or need, or desire, in mind.
The living awareness - and resting in the deep silence of - True Oneness IS the tangible experience of All Good in what the "human" sense of mind calls the "material, physical, corporeal" world of body, mind, form, relationship and activity.
In other words, True Oneness = tangible harmonious experience in all aspects of "inner" and "outer" life.
The fact is: if there is ANY DISTURBING lack of tangible "material, physical" good in your experience - especially after years or decades on the spiritual path - it is FOR ONE REASON ONLY: there is an unwitting sense of "twoness" - duality, separateness, division - in consciousness.
If there was NOT - in other words, when there IS TRUE Oneness in and as individual consciousness - there is no, or very little, lack, limitation, discord or unhappiness in the "material" experience, and any that does show up is quickly harmonized.
It is for this reason that Santa Cruz is NOT a series of "general" spiritual classes. It is 3 days of specifically identifying the unknown and unwitting duality and separateness lurking in consciousness that obscures the harmonies, peace, life, love and fulfillment of Spirit right here, happening as you - as what you are in all ways - in and as your individual "outer" experience.
We are going to go deeper than we ever have before; we are going to deal more specifically with body, wealth, relationship, success, peace of mind and true life purpose and fulfillment than we ever have before; we are going to ensure every person in attendance truly understands the method, practice and BEING-NESS that IS (results in) "inner" and "outer" harmony in all departments of life - "both" being, as Truth, Truly One, not two.
Let me say this to you because it is probably the single most important aspect of Self, and why we all are experiencing this so-called material, "earthly" existence at this moment of awareness:
Your seeming problem or desire to know God, Spirit "aright" IS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT IT MAY SEEM TO BE.
Your reason for being here in awareness - in and as a seeming physical, material body and world - has nothing to do with a personal "you" or personal "world" of body, relationship, family, home, career, business and success.
It has to do with a far greater and more mystical uplifting: the raising of all material consciousness to true spiritual consciousness. Your problems and mine have been, or still are (if you still have appearing material problems), simply the "doorway" to heaven, paradise SO THAT YOU MAY BE THE EVIDENCE that demonstrates to "this world" that they, too, can be, and have, what you are - a spiritually free being.
Then, in turn, they are able to lift more and more individuals out of material consciousness, into the true spiritual identity, and freedom in all ways.
Only in this way, one individual at a time, can the world be freed of the material sense, into the True Spiritual Identity, and along with it - AS IT - gain its freedom from loneliness, unworthiness, poverty, injustice, war, unhappiness, barrenness, illness, disease and untold forms and activities of discord.
BUT… the first stage of walking through that doorway is to find YOUR TRUE SPIRITUAL ONENESS and in that way dissolve every - or at least 85 or 90 percent of every, problem appearing in your experience today.
I hope this provides you with a sufficient glimpse into the Santa Cruz Retreat but feel free to email any questions you have about attending on the 7th, 8th and 9th May via the "Contact Paul" link on this site.
Hilton Santa Cruz, 6001 La Madrona Drive, Scotts Valley, CA 95066 USA
Friday, Saturday, Sunday - 7th, 8th, 9th May 2010
The Retreat is primarily a three day event but you have the option to attend the Saturday and Sunday ONLY if you cannot make the Friday sessions.
NOTE: Certainly you will get most clarity, realization and tangible evidence by attending all three days.
* The "core" Miracle Self / True Oneness awareness and practice that reveals tangible harmony in individual experience.
* Specific questions and answers.
* Meditations.
* Private sessions with Paul (these are limited availability so please book early).
* In-depth Miracle Self / True Oneness awareness.
* The reason harmonious conditions are often not reliably and consistently evidenced by many - even long-standing - spiritual seekers.
* Dissolving the unwitting division in consciousness that obscures the presence of All-Good in individual experience.
* Witnessing Life, Love, Wealth, Happiness, Harmony, Peace and Fulfillment at will.
* How to make the small shift in consciousness that "unblocks" stubborn appearing problems to evidence the need fulfilled.
* Demonstrating your infinity of Being.
* You have infinity of all form; opening consciousness to the literal limitlessness of all good form ever at hand.
* The living practice of realizing that Infinity is the only visible presence.
* BE-ing rather than "trying to be" evidences all Good.
* True giving: dropping the old idea of "tithing" for the TRUE MIRACLE OF OUT-POURING.
* Guarding against collective consciousness - "The Master Hypnotist" - and why even the greatest spiritual lights including Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu (and others) had to keep their guard up throughout their "earthly" span.
* The spontaneous miracle of True Silence; silence is not TRUE SILENCE until their is no "human" mind awareness remaining.
* The greatest, unwitting, mistake made by the most sincere spiritual seekers WHICH FOREVER KEEPS THEIR GOOD FROM TANGIBLE EXPERIENCE, and the subtle aspect of BEING TRUE ONENESS that quickly evidences all Good (the need fulfilled).
* Specific instruction and demonstration practice regarding body and health, love and relationship, money, success, opportunity, business, peace of mind, happiness, fulfillment of true purpose.
* Understanding the purity of BEING SPIRIT; BEING the miracle Itself AS "you".
* Making Spiritual Self your 100% relied-upon approach to life; the continual witnessing of "miracles" of Fulfillment.
* Helping others; BEING THE SPIRITUAL SELF is the greatest practical and tangible help to those who are sick, poor, unjustly treated, unsafe, depressed, unhappy, unfulfilled.
* Being the Light that awakens "others" to THEIR True Spiritual Identity.
* The Impersonal Self = the Miracle Self.
* Final questions and answers.
* Private sessions with Paul (limited availability so please book private sessions early).
Friday sessions will be from 10am to 8pm with mid-morning, midday, mid-afternoon, and dinner breaks.
Saturday sessions will be from 10am to 8pm with mid-morning, midday, mid-afternoon, and dinner breaks.
Sunday sessions will be 10am finishing at 5pm with mid-morning, midday, and mid-afternoon breaks.
FULL THREE DAYS (Fri 7th, Sat 8th, Sun 9th May):
$275 per ONE person booking.
$247 per person for TWO people booking.
MAIN RETREAT TWO DAYS (Sat 8th, Sun 9th May):
$200 per ONE person booking.
$180 per person for TWO people booking.
$100 per person.
FULL THREE DAYS (Fri 7th, Sat 8th, Sun 9th May):
$295 per ONE person booking.
$265 per person for TWO people booking.
MAIN RETREAT TWO DAYS (Sat 8th, Sun 9th May):
$215 per ONE person booking.
$195 per person for TWO people booking.
$110 per person.
Prices do not include travel, accommodation, food or beverages. There are plenty of restaurants within easy reach of the venue.
Private sessions with Paul are free but please make sure you book a session as Paul can only see a limited number of people privately.
On registration you receive (by return email) a welcome letter plus full details of the hotel, traveling details, local places to eat, how to book a free private session with Paul, and more. There are some handy details below to help you plan your stay at the Retreat.
That's it! See you in Santa Cruz for three extraordinary days with Paul F. Gorman of tangibly evidencing the One True Spiritual Being and All-Harmony you Are, and Have, here, now, eternally.
With Love,
The Santa Cruz Retreat Organizers.
Click here for details to help you plan your stay at the Retreat